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IWWC 073106.Special Minutes
THURSDAY, July 31, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Old Saybrook Town Hall
302 Main St. Old Saybrook, Ct.


Chairman Paul Smith called the special meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Attendant Members       Absent Members
Paul Smith, Chairman    Kevin Zawoy, Regular Member
Howard Huelsman, Economic Dev. Rep.     Charles Sohl, Vice Chairman
William Pollock, Secretary, Regular Member      Brendan McKeown, Alternate Member
Robert McIntyre, Planning Representative
Kimberly Gallagher, Alternate Member                    

Attendant Staff
Damon Hearne, IWWC Enforcement Officer
Attorney Michael Cronin
Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk


A.  Consideration and action on amendment to the approval motion for application
                  #06-026 Max’s Place, LLC.
                  In reviewing the decision on Max’s Place, LLC. after the hearing on July 20, 2006 the need for
                 an amendment was noted, in regard to proposed modifications to the wetlands on the property.

MOTION to amend the motion of approval for application #06-026 originally made at the Old Saybrook Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission meeting of July 20, 2006.  

The following finding shall be appended to the approval motion and precedes the conditions of the permit:

In reviewing the proposed construction activity on the site (under the provisions of section 10.2 of the Inlands Wetlands Regulations) which will result in the filling of or alteration to one intermittent watercourse laying parallel to Spencer Plains Road and one wetland pocket lying in the area of proposed stormwater pond #2 the Commission finds that no feasible and prudent alternative exists for the alteration of these wetlands due to the following items:  

1) Testimony from both the applicant’s environmental scientists and the town’s wetlands scientist that the wetlands to be filled are of low value and low quality for both wildlife and water quality functions, are isolated from other significant wetlands and are not unique in their function from other nearby non-wetlands areas.  

2) Alternatives for development of the site without disturbing these areas would preclude the use of the site in a manner in which the applicant believes necessary to feasibly develop the location.

3)  The applicant has agreed to use restoration, creation and enhancement of wetlands as mitigation in two sites:  stormwater Pond #2 and stormwater Pond #3.  Pond #3 is especially significant because it will result in the restoration of a large area of previously filled and degraded wetlands to significant wildlife habitat and water quality treatment function.

4)  The Commission further finds that, based on the engineering reports on record, that the drainage system proposed for the subject property will result in no significant adverse effect on down stream wetlands, watercourses, or other properties in the area.

MADE by K. Gallagher.  SECONDED by W. Pollock.  No discussion on the motion.  IN FAVOR:   K. Gallagher, H. Huelsman, W. Pollock, P. Smith, R. McIntyre;  OPPOSED: none;  ABSTAINED:  none;  APPROVED:  5-0-0


MOTION to adjourn the special meeting at 8:03. p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday August 17, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension;  MOVED by Paul Smith;  SECONDED by R. McIntyre;  IN FAVOR:  P. Smith, K. Gallagher, W. Pollock, H. Huelsman, R. McIntyre.

Next Regular Meeting
    Thursday, August 17, 2006
         Pasbeshauke Pavilion
   155 College Street Extension

Respectfully Submitted,

Andrea DeDominicis, Recording Clerk